Thanks to the LDI02014 project “We connect for more opportunities”, the Community Center at the Rapovská krizovatka was also expanded

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The expansion of the Community center includes the expansion and modernization of the buildings of existing facilities that already provide and provide services on a community basis. The completion of the community center (CC) was implemented as part of the project “We connect for more opportunities” LDI02014, the benefits from a 749 105 € grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of  112 365€, by completing two hygiene cells, building children’s playground, gazebo, reinforced concrete cesspool and container site for separate collection. Construction modifications and additions to the material and technical equipment will improve the quality of the currently operated equipment and KC workers will get tools for education, leisure activities and other activities with the community. The goal is to improve the quality of work and expand the social services facility for crisis intervention services of a community nature. This will improve work with the target group (education, leisure activities,…), which is one of the highest priorities. The target group does not have many opportunities to acquire lost or missing basic habits – work, hygiene, relation to the environment, social and other skills. The expansion of the KC is one of the important parts of the social development of the Rapovská crossroads, where individual steps from the outside must go hand in hand, together with the community’s motivation for its own activity and participation.

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Norwegian partners in Lučenec

    The LDI02014 project “We unite for more” brought together the City of Lučenec as a municipality with partners the BBSK Employment Agency, the non-profit